Size 12

Over the 8 years Ben and I have been together we have accumulated a lot of crap. When we moved into our house we kept a storage unit because our entire house contains one single closet that is not very big at all. We have been saying for two years that we would clean it out and get rid of the stuff that we didn't need anymore. After two years of talking about it and a month and a half of actually doing it, we are finally done!

Among the ton of junk I found bags of clothes that I remember putting away thinking that I would wear them "someday" when I lost weight. I'm pretty sure that when I packed them away I never really had an intention to lose weight. Perhaps subconsciously I did but those clothes were not a motivation at all. When I found them it was like going shopping again with stuff I already knew I would love. The best find was two pairs of capri dress pants that were size 12. When I started this blog two years ago I was a size 18. For most of the past year I have fit into my size 14 jeans and thought that I was stretching them out because they have recently begun to feel baggy but not so baggy that it was obvious I need a smaller size. Yesterday I pulled out the black pair and wore them to work. They fit really well but I remembered that the black pair was always the best but that the khaki pair, even though they are the same size, cut, brand, etc, never really fit quite right. This morning I put them on just to see and holy good lookin' bottom Batman! There is no Trouble with the Curvy in the truck today my friends!

I am officially declaring that I have lost 6 dress sizes through this journey. I have never ever fit into a size smaller than a 12 and I now I'm pretty excited to see if someday I can put on a 10 and then maybe even an 8.... These hips are a changin'!

<3 Katie


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