My Walking Buddy Has a Bum Leg

Friday night I drove home from work with sunshine on my face and a heart full of hope and determination. Little did I know my world was about to change... again.

Nancy and I had planned a yard sale for Saturday and I invited her and Donnie over for dinner and to prep for the next morning. After we unloaded her car onto the porch I went to get a few things from my car and Brutus slipped out the door and started running in circles around the house. He almost NEVER does this. He is usually so good about staying in when doors get open but he was in a playful mood and just bolted. After a few spins around the house I was able to get him back on the porch and grab his collar but it literally slipped through my fingers and he was off again.

This time he went and took a big poop on the neighbor's lawn that we share. I stepped off the porch to go toward him calling his name and instead of coming toward me he went toward the road instead, still looking at me like we were playing a game. Then I feel like several things happened all at once... I saw a car coming from the corner of my eye and Brutus slinking off in the same direction and then he ran into the back tire just as the car was almost past him. I think if the car had been 10 seconds sooner he would have missed it entirely but he has no such luck.

He let out a yelp and ran back toward me limping and yelping some more. The rest of the night was spent in a frantic ride to the vet's office in Madison and getting him some medication to reduce swelling and helping with the pain.

The doctor told us to come back in the morning and they would do an xray to see if there was anything we couldn't see but that overall he looked like he was in good shape. The xray revealed he did have a broken "arm" and had to be splinted as well as a gash by his eye and some scrapes and bruises. He has to stay off the leg for 4-6 weeks but by yesterday he seemed to be back to his old self with some energy and playfulness.

I felt so horrible. I felt like a bad parent that couldn't protect her baby. It makes my heart hurt. I'm going to work with him on some things the trainer told us about that will help keep him from bolting on us in the future and preventing this from happening again.

Walking for the next 4-6 weeks is going to be pretty hard too because he really motivates me to do it and now I have to leave that little face behind to get a walk in. Its going to suck. I think I'm going to try getting up extra early and doing it in the morning when he's used to being alone and so I don't have to leave the house with him looking at me with those hurt eyes that he can't go.

He does look SUPER cute in his splint though and everyone that has read about his situation keeps sending him love and well wishes. When we got home from the "hospital" Friday night there was a care package for him on the porch with a new toy, bowl, bone, peanut butter, and a card. It was from him friend Scrappa and our neighbor Sherry. The card was unbelievably thoughtful and written from Scrappa's point of view about how the package was made up of all her favorite things and how she hopes he feels better soon. Ben and I both teared up a bit and were so grateful to know that we are surrounded by amazing people including Sherry and Scrappa, as well as Dr. Richards, Nancy and Donnie and everyone else that sent us messages of love when we were feeling scared, worried, and down.

It was such a rough weekend and today I used my lunch break to go check on the little guy because I just couldn't stop thinking about him home all alone with a broken bone but he was just fine and I need to stop being a helicopter dog mom. I need to start focusing on the task at hand again because it is going to take all I have to keep up with my pace if I'm going to lose half this weight by my birthday. I just have to keep thinking how awesome that walk on my birthday is going to be....

<3 Katie


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