
Last week I had a thought that kind of floored me. On Wednesday it had rained and thunderstormed for a good part of the day but I didn't want it to keep me from walking but also didn't want to get stranded like we did last summer so we went to walk around Coburn park. I couldn't do 5 miles of circles and figure 8s because I get bored pretty easily with my surroundings so we went for 2.5 and left. When I got home I felt like I had been lazy and should have gone the full five because "I only went two and a half miles today."  2 years ago if I could have heard myself say that I would have laughed out loud because going 2.5 miles per day then would have been a significant improvement over doing nothing. I'm going to put that in the win column.

The weekends are still kind of a problem because when I get done work for the week I tend to fill my weekends with plans that inevitably revolve around what I'm going to eat. I love food and that's the hardest thing to overcome in losing weight. After a weekend of a good split between good and bad choices I was ready for a power week with a walk every day, muscle exercises in the morning, and several days where I earn 10 points. I'd like to earn 100 points in a two week span this summer because I think that will help show me some progress that keeps me going. I need to see a six in the middle on that scale and I'm almost there...

Today hasn't really gone my way though because its rainy, cold, and a perfect day to stay in and watch movies. Days like this zap the motivation out of me and put me in a kind of coma that won't be broken until the sun starts shining again. I've been like that since I was a kid! I used to hope for rain in the summer because I'd rather be indoors playing and watching Disney movies than outside doing anything. Do you see how this Trouble with the Curvy began? Regardless, I'm changing my habits now but today I don't feel strong enough to resist the comfort stuff I love about a rainy day. I'm going to have Kel-Mat for lunch because the rain is the perfect setting for a hour with my new Stephen King read. Then I'm going to go grocery shopping after work and snuggle on the couch with my dog and my boy and watch movies while we eat something delicious and hot that warms us to our cores. This is the kind of stuff a happy life is made of right?

Right... until it makes me fat again like it used to because these are my all absolute favorite activities and I can't resist them if I don't have access to the sun. I'm just not that strong... Albeit not strong, I'm not stupid either. I know two perfect rainy days in a row are two days I am giving away and in the process making this whole weight loss thing harder and putting me further way from seeing a 6 in the middle spot on the scale. Today's attitude is something is better than nothing so I am going to do a few things to help bring myself back from a complete brink. First, I'm going to get the stuff for a Salad for supper. Granted it will be a taco salad but the veggies are going to be the main focus and it is a salad and not fried. Secondly I'm going to do some weight activities while Ben (because he's totally awesome) makes the salad for dinner. Finally through the rest of the day I'm gong to snack on apples and yogurt and promote a good metabolism that will be socked with Kelmat, taco salads, and flourless, sugarfree chocolate cake with cookies and cream frozen yogurt for dessert.

Please help me hope for some sunshine by tomorrow afternoon so this rainy day dilemma doesn't repeat itself tomorrow...



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