Do the Day...

I just finished reading "Duma Key" by Stephen King in which one of the character's mantra is "Do the day and let the day do you." Yesterday I did not do the day or let the day do me and thus I ended up sabotaging a perfect day for an awesome walk. I don't know what gets into me sometimes but it really feels like there is a second person inside my head that is bound and determined to make me fail. This is the same voice that talks me into eating fried food, sitting on the couch instead of walking, getting mad at the dog for being too excited to see me, and sucking the life out of any good mood that exists in my house before I arrive.

I am all about the self love but I do not love this side of me. I actually hate this side of me. It is the worse version of myself and I'd like to eradicate it for good but how does one go about doing that? I think we all have a demon like this that lives within our personalities and thrives on negativity. Some people that is most of their personality and I've seen people in my life who start out with it being a small percentage but as the years go by it engulfs them and turns them into people I don't recognize. I don't want to be one of those people.

Amy Poehler wrote about her demon in her book "Yes, Please" and it comforted me to know that we all have it in some form and that there are ways to not let it rule you life. I think I've made a lot of progress but sometimes it just comes up out of nowhere. Nothing to tip it off, it just appears and wrecks everything in its path. That's what I need to work on next. If it were not for this demon, yesterday I would have scored a 7 instead of a 5 on my new points system. That's what made me realize that this is a big obstacle for me and I'm not going to get to my goal if I keep letting it throw me for a loop like it did yesterday.

Happiness depends on how you handle the day right? Well I need to find a way to remember that when my demon's eyes start to glow.



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