A Real Beauty Sketch of a Curvy Girl

There are not enough hours in the day. Statistically, I wonder how many blogs begin with that line? This is the classic All-American complaint. If I had 3 more hours in the day I would be so skinny you'd think I was clubbing with Lindsey Lohan (too soon?? Not soon enough??)

I don't see that happening though so I have to deal with the little time I have available. This is the part where I launch into my excuses for not posting on Thursday and tell you that I didn't work out on Friday either.  I chose catching up with Ben on Thursday and cleaning my house on Friday over writing and working out. My heart and my OCD don't feel guilty. That doesn't mean that I know what I sacrificed though.

The simple truth is that if I really want to see results I have to put in the work and not just talk about it. Last week, while not being my best week, did produce a few good workout sessions. The first of which made me sweat like I was Richard Simmons in '85. I am certain I have never sweated that much during a work out ever. I'd like to say that it was because I busted my ass but really the room was incredibly hot and the treadmill didn't have a fan (LAME!). The treadmill said I burned 600 calories and judging from those pits, I'm going to go right along with that and count it as a win anyway. I also got to swim and my ankle feels amazing. The tightness was reduced dramatically and even now it feels so much better. I worked out every morning at the conference from Tuesday to Thursday. I've never done that before when I've been away from home. I've always thought I would but I always wimped out and never made it to the gym.

The conference was amazing! Inbound 2014 has some big shoes to fill and I'll be hoping all year I get to go back for it. I was genuinely inspired and I felt like I was among so many people who "get it." For the first time in my career I feel like a secret weapon for the company I work for because of everything I learned there. I had at least 1 epiphany each day. I feel like I have the power to help make this company amaze people and I'm psyched. I think that I am living through a revolution of how businesses and people interact with each other and I feel like I have the opportunity to leave my footprint on the history that is being made. I know I'm making this sound really big and it's because it feels like it is to me.

Original Tweet to KitKat and Oreo
The presentations were fantastic but one of the best I saw was about great examples of marketing and how it isn't just about selling shit. Two stood out. The first was a social media engagement where Kit Kat and Oreo both responded to a fan's Tweet. Kit Kat tweeted back, tagging Oreo, and a challenged Oreo to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe:

The second example that I really loved was this campaign by Dove. Dove hired a forensic artist and invited several women to a studio where they didn't see the artist but they are exposed each other. They were asked to describe themselves as they see themselves then were asked to describe the one other person they were introduced to during the exercise. The sketches are so different. The message was the same though all of them though. We are all more beautiful than we think we are:
Dove Real Beauty Sketches

<3 Katie
Day 77
203lbs- I seriously need a digital scale.....
Feeling exhausted


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