Today is an amazing historic day. If you're thinking that I'm referring to making it into the 60's, well, you'd be wrong. I did not make it into the 60s last night. I weighed in at 170.8lbs. I was a little disappointed but when I thought back to where I started how can I really be disappointed with that? Its coming soon and when it does it will be its own historic day. I'm referring to the Supreme Court making it legal for any American couple to get married. I don't intend for this blog to spiral into a political blog but this is something that really means something to me and I felt compelled to mark the day because this blog is somewhat of a journal as well as a weight loss tool. I can't help but be elated when love wins. I'm a hopeless romantic and it brings tears to my eyes that love prevailed in the face of fierce opposition. So many people have fought for so long for the right to marry the person they love and today they can celebrate. This is ...