Most Commonly Asked Question

Recently I've noticed that when I see friends or family that are active online and on social networks in person, they have one question for me. "What is that Curvy thing? I don't read it all the time but what IS it?" Every time I hear this question I squeal a little with glee. I'm really thankful for people that read my posts. That means any of them. I feel incredibly lucky to have a few people that seem to read every post but even if you care enough to read even one, I am grateful. 

The question is a good one though. What IS "Trouble with the Curvy?" Sometimes when I answer "Oh! It's my blog!" I get this blank look that seems to say "Umm.... yea that isn't helpful in trying to figure out what the hell this Curvy thing is..." In fact, I have yet, to come up with an answer that really gets to the heart of what I am doing. I think this is because I'm a little embarrassed to talk about it in person with people. It is really uncomfortable to share that "every day I try to write about how not to be a chub monkey anymore." It feels a little self indulgent... and that is because it is. I started my first blog on Myspace (which by many standards is ancient) and I didn't expect anyone to read it. It was just a way for me to vent my feelings on anything at all. I blog for me, not for an audience. It was a form of therapy and that is why I started this blog. 

Being the Marketing Guru that I am, I have come to learn that "successful" blogs are those with remarkable content that gives readers a plethora of glitter farting unicorns. Sure I try to offer you the occasional awesome recipe and/or fitness tip/trend but this blog was meant as a way for me to document my progress so that I have something tangent I can go back to for reference or inspiration. 

Pictures are also good for a "successful" blog  and I do try to include as many as possible but sometimes it just isn't in the cards. And let's face it. I'm a wordy girl. I literally used to talk for a living so words are what make this blog what it is for me. 

The answer to the Most Commonly Asked Question isn't as complicated as I am making it. Trouble with the Curvy is my online diary of losing weight. I keep this "diary" as a way to keep track of my progress, vent frustrations, and keep motivated. I can't seem to explain it but it is the one tool that has kept me going for the last 6 months. Why "Trouble with the Curvy" for a title? I am proud to be a curvy girl and I don't want to lose my curvy shape but I have had trouble keeping it curvy and not flabby. I feel like it is the perfect title and so instead of being embarrassed the next time I am asked about this little blog, I am going to be honest. 

Day 182
Feeling invigorated 


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