I have come to learn from doing this blog that I don't do stress well. When I'm stressed I'm not myself and I'm pretty miserable to be around. Yesterday, with a research paper staring me down, I let myself get worked up and stress got the better of me. On my last day of a wonderful 3 day weekend, I was... well... a shrew. I don't think I'm alone though. I think we all have our moments that we look back on and feel a deep shame for being so absolutely ridiculous. Certainly sometimes it is warranted but, for me, when I get like that I'm usually being pretty absurd.... like "How come you're not reading my mind and just do what I think you should be doing?!" I should also note that I'm one of those people that when I'm all pissy I can't help but slam things around. Anything I touch, I touch with force. I'm not proud of that but I can't seem to help myself. Luckily for me, the love of my life has the patience of a saint. In m...
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