Kicking Ass!

Ben and I recently started watching "Alias" because I've never seen it. If you're not familiar it's the J.J. Abrams show with Jennifer Garner as secret agent Sidney Bristow. Since we've been watching it I haven't kick boxed until yesterday. I liked the workout before but it left me winded and I didn't make it through the whole workout without stopping at some point and thinking "These hardcore fitness nuts are f#$%ing killing me."

Yesterday I kicked some ass! I was daydreaming that I was a secret agent and taking on the bad guys. Then I was daydreaming that it was the Zombie Apocalypse and I was kicking heads of the undead. I was unstoppable... until the workout ended! I kept up and only stopped for water breaks because that shit is important.

I really love this workout and it gets so much done in a short amount of time. If my progress is going to last the rest of my life I need to have good workouts that will help me maintain my goal weight. I've found that and I like it. I can walk and lose a little so I am confident I can walk and maintain. Until my goal weight though I have to find ways to pump up the fitness value of each workout so I am burning more than I take it. Kickboxing is definitely stepping it up. I also like being able to do it without having to be in a live class with an instructor and other people. When I'm alone I can laser focus on everything I am doing. I like it so much that I think I'll keep doing it even when I've hit my goal weight.

Tomorrow, I'm going to do it again and then on Saturday I'll be walking 3 miles for the Walk to End Alzheimer's. There is a killer hill in there too and I am so ready for it! I'm having such a great week for progress! It must be the new old age I am...

Day 102lbs
How am I feeling? Secret Agents can't have feelings.... ;)


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