Birthday Surprise!

I'm going to fully admit that tonight's post is not up to standard. The reason? I'm going to give myself a little birthday present and spend the night hanging out with Ben. He is making me dinner that smells amazing so I want to be finished writing by the time he puts the plate in front of me.

Tomorrow I am also going to eat cake. I feel that I've earned it... that and this glass of wine that I am sipping on as I type. Ben's making me a cake that won't use oil and no real eggs so it will cut a few calories off but the real treat is the frosting. I went to Hannaford and got some of their "traditional" frosting for the cake. I can't wait!!

The dinner bell just rang... or chimed but it still means that's all for tonight. I'll be back next week with some kick ass weight loss nuggets that will be worth a good long read.

<3 Katie
Day 95
Feeling older...


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