99 Problems

Tomorrow is day 100! As of today I have lost 15 lbs and I can honestly tell you that I have never been happier in my life. This happiness is not purely the result of losing a bit of weight but I think making a big change in my life must be credited.

100 days feels like such a short time to make such a big difference. Presidents rarely solve problems in their first 100 days but I've solved one almost every day. Granted, the problems I face are not world hunger, an unstable Middle East, tax reform, healthcare for the entire country, or anything even close to that. Nonetheless my victories were earned.

So what have I learned over the past 99 days? You'll always have 99 problems but a cupcake doesn't have to be one (that one is for you Jay-z). Speaking of cupcakes, I had a really good one today... Well I had half of two cupcakes.... but as Melissa pointed out, they both had a vegetable or fruit on them. One was carrot cake and the other was covered in shredded coconut. Yum. This delectable treat came courtesy to my belly thanks to Melissa. It was intended to be my birthday treat but I wasn't there Friday so birthday week lives on!

You know what else? They were only as amazing as they were because they were treats. Sarah Silverman (of all people) talked about this idea in her book "The Bedwetter." She said that if you incorporate things that are really good and that you like a lot into everyday life then they become normal and you don't enjoy them nearly as much... unless of course you're addicted... but that's a whole different story. I agree with her in a big way. That may be the biggest thing I've embraced over these past months and I do find that I get more enjoyment out of the things that are treats.

So on to the next 100 days! I want to post more recipes in the next 100 days. I want to burn more calories and I want to find new workouts to share. I want to put stuff in this blog that is going to make everyone else who reads this feel as good as I do. I want to help people figure out how to be healthy all the time and I want to openly chastise fad diets and stupid gimmicks that just confuse people and waste their time when they could be just enjoying their lives more.

My goal for the next 100 days is to lose 25 lbs. I can step it up from where I am now and I think this will be an attainable goal. Christmas and Thanksgiving take place in the next 100 days though so this isn't going to be a cake walk..... or a pie walk if we're talking turkey day..... but I think I can do it.

Thanks again for taking time to read what I write. It really does mean something to me. I know you've got other things to do and I appreciate that you take a few minutes to hear what I have to say. I will continue to try and provide you with some killer recipes and hopefully some good laughs too. Until then, thanks for being awesome!

<3 Katie
Day 99
Missing birthday week just a little bit....


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