The Weigh In

Today is day 31! I started out on day 1, weighing in at 212lbs. Today at my Dr. Appt I weighted in at 203.9lbs. Not quite 10lbs but I can still find some areas where sacrifice should be relatively easy. One bad habit that really needs some adjusting is what time I eat my last meal of the day. Sometimes we don't eat until 8p. That's not good for my goals and it's going to take some better planning to consistently eat at a time that is sensible.

Now that I am on a roll and have built some good habits with this blog I want to mention a  couple of corrections. I said in one entry that every Monday I'll share a recipe. As it turns out, that's pretty hard. I have to be inspired to share a good recipe so instead I'll post a recipe when it is worth sharing. I also won't be doing a picture every week on Thursdays. I think I'll do a picture for every 10lbs that I lose. Once I'm at 202 I'll post another.

In the next 31 days I hope to intensify my workouts, drink more water, continue not to eat sugar and fried food, and make a point to start dinner at 6p every night.

Lastly, I really just want to thank everyone for their support. I never expected this to be a way that I could have a ton of fitness buddies full of good advice and encouragement. I really do appreciate all of the comments and suggestions and as I continue down the road I am sure it will all come in handy. Thank you for your support and here's to another adventurous month!

<3 Katie
 Day 31
At a loss for words


  1. Hi Katie! It's Suzanne from Northstar Photography! I have recently become aware of the real evils of "fake sugar" - any of the substitutes. I suggest looking into it for yourself - I'm no fitness guru for sure!!! Good luck!!!


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