You're only as strong as your arsenal

128 days after setting out to lose weight, I feel like I've hit a wall. I sat down to write tonight and felt like I didn't have a lot of inspiration. I walked this morning. I ate healthy stuff through the day. Today wasn't a struggle but it wasn't invigorating either. So I did what a bajillion other American's do when they look for inspiration: I Googled it. 
I came across a blog that I think I am going to LOVE. Fit Bottomed Girls is described as a healthy network of female bloggers that sound like they have the same goal I do... only they do it better. There are a bunch of workout ideas, inspiration, and recipes. It seemed like a treasure trove of everything I was looking for. 

I will certainly be trying this Homemade Salsa and who know what other good things I'm going to find there. One thing is clear though. A girl needs resources and a plan to be successful. I started this journey with an initial goal in mind to just work out every weekday consistently. My thoughts were that after I knew I could stick to a routine, I'd aggressively go after accomplishing weight loss goals. The problem is that I've become comfortable just walking in the morning. I can mindlessly get up, dress, and walk out my door in the morning without trying to talk myself out of it. On days I want to go to the gym I pack a bag the night before but I've found I'm not really good at that because when I go home I want to just chill out and not constantly be preparing for something. I'm not motivated to do it because I'm not excited about it. Walking is easy and I get to shower at home. If I really want to do this, easy should be a red flag. Walking is great because it keeps me moving but the spark is gone. It's like staying with a guy just because he pays half the rent. I can do better than that. 

What I want to do is create a calendar a that helps me plan my workouts. I think it will seem like less work if I lay out a plan for myself. I want to do this next week when Ben is off on his business trip to Atlanta. I want to plan out through the holidays so I can have something to look forward to and get excited about. When the calendar is created I'll share it here so anyone who wants to be my "remote workout buddy" can do it along with me. It is about time my arsenal starts to grow so that I have the tools and weapons I need to succeed with this and not bore myself to death. 

<3 Katie
Day 128 
196lbs (Ben Certified)
Feeling ambitious


  1. Katie I'm willing to "buddy up"! I've been going to the gym but I hear ya, i'm losing that spark as well so i've tried taking a few extra classes instead of just getting on the treadmill. So far, so good.


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