The Secret to Losing Weight as a Real Person Who Eats Real Food

I can't wait for daylight savings time. I find it incredibly difficult to motivate my butt out of bed when the sun is still in bed. I go to sleep with the best intentions and the sunless sky makes me rethink my plan. It is dangerous territory. The answer to this is to drive to the gym while the sun starts to rise. Instead of walking I should be on my way to a better workout. Putting it in black and white really somehow makes me more compelled to follow it through. Accountability. Thank you TWTC <3

This, of course, is not the only thing I need to do to jump start my plateaued progress. I need to get a handle on my diet. While I feel like I've made some good choices over the past few months, I still have a lot of work to do. I don't really do anything right now that gives me concrete data on what I do. I'm horrible at keeping a food diary and I don't keep track of caloric intake. The last time I was really successful with weight loss was when I did keep track of what I put into my body on a daily basis. At the time I was taking a nutrition course and it became like a game. I knew what I should be putting in my body and how to measure it. It worked for me and I learned new things in the class all the time that helped make it appealing to continue.

I liked having an expert resource on my side.  I've been pondering this for a while and I think I need something to serve as my nutrition guide. I think pairing this with my workout routine will produce results and keep me moving forward. I've considered my options carefully and I have chosen to make Weight Watchers online my resource. I think the points system will really work for me and it will be a great outlet to find more recipes. I gravitated to WW because their philosophy for losing weight is aligned with my own. I don't want to just give up things and hope I have the will power not to cave. I want to be smarter about how I work "treats" into my diet and I think the points system will help me do that.

I think this is the next step I need to take. I actually look forward to it and I think that says something. The good news is that I have 133 days of progress of trying to do this without a food management tool. The next 133 days may give me a better understanding of the secret to losing weight while being a real person who eats real food. Game on.

Day 133
Feeling up to the challenge


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