Freight Train of Stupid

 Last week I was sooooooo excited to report that I LOST weight on vacation. Who does that? To be clear that was NOT the goal but when I weighed in after vacation I was almost flabbergasted to realize that I was a pound lighter than the last entry before vacation. Subconsciously all of that excitement lit a fuse to several calorie bombs I would ingest over the next week.  Success had a numbing effect on my hyper awareness of the choices I make every day that have helped me to lose 34 total pounds in the past year. On vacation the only thing I did was try to keep my choices reasonable. If I knew dinner was a big event one night then I modified my day meals so I wasn't overdoing it. It felt more like habit than anything. I've trained myself to be mindful of what I eat and how many calories I am burning throughout the day and it worked!

Last week all of that went out the window. There was booze, cheeseburgers, fast food, more booze, and then there was the S'more cake... S'more cake (while being absolutely the most delicious cake I've eaten in a long time) is the most irresponsible thing I have participated in since starting this journey. The "Trouble" in Trouble with the Curvy could exclusively be this cake. Decadent chocolate cake (meaning it wasn't sugar free) with hot cocoa & lil' marshmallows mixed in the batter. Bake that on up then let it cool for about 5 minutes. Then poke a bunch of holes in the cake with the handle end of a wooden spoon. Cover the whole thing with Marshmallow Fluff making sure to get your fluff all up in those holes. Then let it all sit for about another 15 minutes. Top it off with broken graham cracker pieces. As if that isn't enough, I found the for mentioned recipe for this cake and thought "I'll add a marshmallow ripple in that badass cake and make it EVEN MORE BADASS!!!" I then added several scoops of Fluff onto the batter in the pan and dragged a butter knife through it like you would to incorporate a marble cake. Upon putting that cake in my mouth, three things, immediately and simultaneous occurred to me...
1. All of the Fluff melted into the cake leaving no ripple
2. All of the Fluff melted into the cake making it the most moist fudgy delicious cake on the face of the planet.
3. All of the Fluff melted into the cake making it 25x more sugary than straight up cake

Can you find the recipe hidden above? (PS It was box cake baked just as instructed....) If you're as smart as I think you are you did find the hidden recipe and now I recommend you do one of two things depending on your fitness goals:
1. If you're not on any kind of a weightloss plan and like yourself some cake, go act on that hidden recipe and enjoy the s'mores of your labor.
2. If you are on a weight loss plan or are allergic to chocolate (a nod to my girl Mandy Jane) then you should go back in time and not read this entry.... and then tell me how the hell you figured out time traveling....

This cake weakened my resolve and brought me to my metaphorical fitness knees. It was just the ending in a week long freight train of stupid decisions. When I weighed myself on Saturday the scale said 182. It was like a sucker punch. I worked so hard to get into the 70's and to see the 80's back like like neon snap bracelets was pretty depressing. Especially after feeling such a high from my after vacation success.

Today I returned to Zumba, made Ben eat the rest of that damn cake, and reconnected with yogurt and apples. I feel like I am back on track mentally which means I can stop sabotaging my efforts. Thanks to a walk with Nancy on Saturday and getting back on track yesterday and today I weighed in at 178lbs again tonight. Such a big swing reminds me that there is a right way to do this and a wrong way. I need to be balanced in my workouts and my food intake.

I feel like I got a taste of  the fitness version of a Christmas Carol. I was visited by the ghosts of chubby past that came back to show me what life was like when I didn't care about my weight. It shocked me back straight. I don't miss that lifestyle. I acted like it was a treat to have something really bad like fast food and stupid s'more cake but the truth is I'm ok without it. I make damn good cake that is sugar-free moist and delicious. I don't feel like I have given up fries so fries everyday just isn't that appealing anymore.

It is easy to let yourself fall back into old habits when you check out. I think that is the best lesson from the first year of TWTC.... Losing weight is hard because it takes a lot of mental power to make sure you're prepared to eat well and exercise. If you are good at checking out and just focusing on something else, it is super easy to end up, where I started over a year ago.

 <3 Katie
Day 378
I think that if Jacob Marley were to show up in my fitness version of the story his chains would actually be made from candy necklaces....


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