A Picture is Worth....

I fancy myself as somewhat of a photographer. I love being behind a lens and shooting. I love looking at the pictures but I really suck at sharing them. Honestly it is because I'm a little lazy. The fun part for me is taking them and when that's over I'm more focused on what I can photograph next instead of doing anything at all with the ones I've just taken. I want to be better about that so when we got home from our DC extravaganza I took some time to go through and print some of my favorite shots out. In the process I remembered I really liked some of the shots from my trip to Texas last October so I went through those too and came across this one. It was taken on the "compound" at the Wizard Academy in Austin. The big yellow thing next to me is the hot air balloon from "Lost" where they find Henry Gale who we later find out is Benjamin Linus. The guy next to me is Roy Williams who runs the Academy. 

I couldn't believe how I look in this picture. I've said before that I hate it when someone complains about how bad a picture of them is. I'm not going to complain but I will admit that it took some courage for me to post this picture because it isn't how I'd like to be characterized. I looked back and the post from Austin is called "Bacon Wrapped Salmon." Back then I was weighing in at 194lbs. Today I'm 177lbs. I can see all of those pounds in my face. Even the pictures I have from when I started this blog seem like I am thinner than I appear to be in this picture. 

Right now it is 6:30p and if I'm going to get some exercise in tonight I better get going on that... For this shall be the last picture with the appearance of KateChubsters foodie extraordinaire! 

<3 Katie


  1. I love your honesty and courage! A Real Life Warrior :)

  2. Thanks Heidi! I don't always feel like a Warrior so it's nice to hear it!!


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