Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

Phew! I am writing a lot of letters this week. Earlier this week I wrote a letter to Jillian Michaels and I realized last night I couldn't go without writing one to you too.

While Ms. Michaels is really great at giving me a killer 20 minute workout, she doesn't hold a candle to you when it comes to Trainer of the Universe Award. She has her jumping jacks and her squats and her burpees (and according to Amy Luce "Yoga") but you... you have SNOW. She likes to trick us into thinking it is easy because it is only 20 minutes. You trick me into thinking the shoveling will be easier because it is "light." HA! What a joke. You made me sweat so much my waterproof mascara ran!

Your workout was an hour long (Thanks to Ben or it would have been 2 hours!) and it was a full body workout. I thought Jillian made me sore but my arms, abs, back, legs, ... well every muscle in my body is sore from your workout. I am pretty confident that you and Jillian should do some sort of boxing match because she may be a hard ass but you're a force to be reckoned with.

Tonight I'm going to give her another shot. Please don't take that as a hint to send more snow....

<3 Katie
Day 240
You best watch yo'self 80's because I'm coming back for you....


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