Stacking Wood VS Raking Leaves

 Last week I went into work every day at 7a. I made up all but 1 of my workouts that got replaced because of going in early. I also moved my office and that was a workout in itself...

This weekend I raked leaves on Saturday and stacked wood on Sunday. I was curious how many calories I'd burned and was a little shocked. I felt like my heart rate was higher raking but the stacking made more of my muscles sore. The calorie count is interesting. Raking leaves for an hour burned 400 calories. Stacking wood for an hour burned 300 calories.

Both of these activities helped keep me on track this week. My Weight Watchers venture isn't going so well. Keeping up with that tracking feels like just one more thing I have to pay attention to. I've wanted to download the app because I think that will help keep it more at my finger tips but wouldn't you know I have to clean out my phone before I can upload another app. It just doesn't seem to be coming together.

All I really need is a few days to set myself up for success on this. I need at least one day where the whole goal of the day is to find ways to make this easy for me when everything else feels like I'm carrying the weight of the world... Now if I could actually carry the weight of the world around for a whole day, THAT would be a hell of a workout. Sadly I only carry it metaphorically and ergo get no physical benefit from it. During this one day of fitness bliss I would start with a good workout, creating a menu for the month, putting all the meals into the WW counter, finding new recipes to try, grocery shopping to stock up on items, making a bunch of purees and preparing a bunch of meals I can freeze and heat up when I don't feel like making a healthy dinner.

Until then, I'll keep plugging away and trying to keep up the "good work." Luckily, I have an amazing man on my side that is beckoning me to relax for the night and enjoy a back rub. I may be chubby but I'm the lucky kind of chubby <3

<3 Katie
Day 146
195 lbs
Feeling like my glass has a leak


  1. Hey Katie! Download the app I bet that will help you! I use my fitness pal and I track calories. I've been having trouble making myself go to the gym lately, seems the "spark" has kind of disappeared. So i'm trying some different classes and stuff. I told myself that I just need to get going because I've sort of been slacking. I did weigh myself the other morning and I was at 191, I don't know how I managed that after a night of drinking on sat but regardless, I did it! haha. Wish you were closer so we could exercise together!

    1. Congratulations!!! That is amazing!!! I'm so proud of you! I think you and I have had similar experiences in the past when it comes to weight loss. I wish we were closer too. It sounds like you've been doing awesome this time and it inspires me. I know what you mean about the spark. Classes are a great idea and I need to do it. Zumba always made me feel so much better and it felt like more progress was being made. I need to find a good class for that around here. We should get together once a month or something and go hiking or something that is a physical activity while catching up. I'd love it <3


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