I'd be a Biggest Loser too if I was unemployed...

Today has been the kind of day that makes me what to throw my hands up and surrender. Ever have one of those days where everything that can go wrong does? That was today. Perhaps the universe is punishing me for not getting my workout in this morning...

I am dedicated to this whole not being too curvy thing. Really, I am but there are only so many hours in the day. Work is eating up a lot of those hours and I can't seem to get my footing again where I feel caught up on stuff that has been piling up since August when my work partner completely deserted me.

Too whiny? I'm sorry. I am sort of getting to a point. Life doesn't stop or make something easier just because you're dedicated to it. In fact, Life often seems to keep throwing road blocks at you hoping you'll crack and that is why I am not the only American struggling with weight issues. It is a lot to juggle and I am beginning to wonder if stressing out to require a work out to keep up with my progress is causing me more harm than good.

All day I have attributed all my frustrations to the fact that I didn't work out this morning and that continued to stress me out. I got to work at 7:30 this morning and I barely made a dent in the list because of all of the other stuff getting added. I feel like I keep going and going like the Katie-gizer bunny and at the end of the day I'm no further along than I started. THEN I think "So I sacrificed my work out to be no further ahead AND I'll have to sacrifice it again tomorrow to get at least another hour in to hopefully make a dent."

I'm having an inner dialogue with myself that sounds like the rantings of a mad woman who genuinely just wants to find a healthy balance between life and work. So what the hell am I going to do about it?

This blog has been my outlet for working these issues out over the last 5 months. The one thing I can say about today is that I ate really well. I didn't succumb to a calorie bomb. I had a yogurt for breakfast, a apple for a snack, a cheese stick at lunch with a piece of the shepards pie I mentioned last night and when I finally break for supper tonight it will be chicken soup. Score.

The point I am FINALLY getting to is that I think I need to allow myself the room to get through the work situation and not work out if I need to. I MUST not use it as an excuse but if it is valid then I need to not be so hard on myself for it. Instead I need to make sure that I am conscious of what goes in my mouth throughout those kinds of days so that I'm not getting out of balance. The recipe is to burn more calories than you take in. On the days I don't work out, I'm using less calories and therefore should eat less calories.

In order for this to be a life changing experience I need to be honest that stuff like this is going to happen occasionally and just make smarter choices when I'm not able to do it the way I think it should be done to yield the best results. I need to operate smarter, not harder.

Wow.... I actually feel better.

<3 Katie
Day 162
Feeling less like I want to rip someone's face off.


  1. I do the same thing. I make myself feel guilty and you shouldn't these days will happen as long as you're eating good you'll be fine! Try to find something small you can do at home on those days that'll make you feel a little better. Do a few squats or arm exercises. Dont beat yoitself up, you're awesome! :)

    1. Thanks! That is good advice and rumor has it you're down 30lbs!!! Congrats and I will definitely be following that advice :)


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