
Showing posts from September, 2013


Tonight might be the most boring blog yet. I'll be taking a hiatus from tonight until October 1st. I'm headed out on vacation tomorrow and will be back next Tuesday! This is my metaphorical " Out to Lunch" blog!


I've been on a roll lately sharing inappropriate stories so why stop now? I've bragged about how much I love the classroom at my gym because typically there isn't anyone else in the room with me and that is a large part of its appeal. Today I wasn't alone and not only did it result in a funny story but it helped me conquer a gym fear I have. As a chubby kid I hated exercising in front of people because I felt like everyone was always staring at me. It made me uncomfortable and I didn't want to do it. The older I got the more I sort of grew out of this but I find that when I am at the gym I need to concentrate on not worrying about the people around me. I really just enjoy working out alone. So today I went to the gym all excited to rock the kickboxing. I entered the gym and noticed that the classroom was dark and the door was open as I was putting on my sneakers. I was relieved that I could stick to my plan because if someone is in the room I usually just find...

And when I snap my fingers....

Since I've started this blog a cool thing has happened. As I go through my day people will randomly say "I've been reading your blog and here's my advice for your journey." I really like this because I have learned some really interesting stuff. Today this happened to me and it was the first time I thought.. "hmmmm. That's a little weird." A friend from work told me about Mindifi. It's an app that uses hypnosis to help you lose weight or sleep easier and a bunch of other things. She tried it and thought it was really relaxing even if it turns out to not be very effective. I checked it out as I do with anything someone recommends and while I don't think this is for me, I think I understand its appeal and how it could actually work. I am famous for talking myself in and out of things... sometime subconsciously but since I'm a chatty one I have no qualms about talking to myself.... out loud... Hypnosis could work the same way. If you are...

Kicking Ass!

Ben and I recently started watching "Alias" because I've never seen it. If you're not familiar it's the J.J. Abrams show with Jennifer Garner as secret agent Sidney Bristow. Since we've been watching it I haven't kick boxed until yesterday. I liked the workout before but it left me winded and I didn't make it through the whole workout without stopping at some point and thinking "These hardcore fitness nuts are f#$%ing killing me." Yesterday I kicked some ass! I was daydreaming that I was a secret agent and taking on the bad guys. Then I was daydreaming that it was the Zombie Apocalypse and I was kicking heads of the undead. I was unstoppable... until the workout ended! I kept up and only stopped for water breaks because that shit is important. I really love this workout and it gets so much done in a short amount of time. If my progress is going to last the rest of my life I need to have good workouts that will help me maintain my goal wei...

Not for the Sensitive...

I feel a lot like I stood up a hot date last night. Yesterday was day 100 and I didn't post a blog. After everything that TWTC has meant for me and done for me, I stood it up on our 100th anniversary. I debated whether or not to write about why I didn't post but in the end I think that my reason has a lot to do with why I have usually failed in keeping to a fitness routine. So what is this elusive reason you ask? Before I tell you, I want to warn you. What I am about to disclose is not something that people openly talk about often because it is uncomfortable. So if you're the kind of person that is generally against over sharing I suggest that, instead of reading Trouble with the Curvy tonight, you go watch yourself some funny cat videos. And just to show that there are no hard feelings I have even selected a few of my favorite cat videos for you . For those of you brave enough to stick around it's time I just come out with it. A visit from Aunt Flo, Shark Week, The...

99 Problems

Tomorrow is day 100! As of today I have lost 15 lbs and I can honestly tell you that I have never been happier in my life. This happiness is not purely the result of losing a bit of weight but I think making a big change in my life must be credited. 100 days feels like such a short time to make such a big difference. Presidents rarely solve problems in their first 100 days but I've solved one almost every day. Granted, the problems I face are not world hunger, an unstable Middle East, tax reform, healthcare for the entire country, or anything even close to that. Nonetheless my victories were earned. So what have I learned over the past 99 days? You'll always have 99 problems but a cupcake doesn't have to be one (that one is for you Jay-z). Speaking of cupcakes, I had a really good one today... Well I had half of two cupcakes.... but as Melissa pointed out, they both had a vegetable or fruit on them. One was carrot cake and the other was covered in shredded coconut. Yum....

Birthday Surprise!

I'm going to fully admit that tonight's post is not up to standard. The reason? I'm going to give myself a little birthday present and spend the night hanging out with Ben. He is making me dinner that smells amazing so I want to be finished writing by the time he puts the plate in front of me. Tomorrow I am also going to eat cake. I feel that I've earned it... that and this glass of wine that I am sipping on as I type. Ben's making me a cake that won't use oil and no real eggs so it will cut a few calories off but the real treat is the frosting. I went to Hannaford and got some of their "traditional" frosting for the cake. I can't wait!! The dinner bell just rang... or chimed but it still means that's all for tonight. I'll be back next week with some kick ass weight loss nuggets that will be worth a good long read. <3 Katie Day 95 199lbs Feeling older...

Rustic Skinny

Yesterday, I took my acts of kindness to my hometown. I've been incredibly lucky to have family that has always been there when I needed them and I take pride in being able to now be there for them. One of the activities yesterday actually turned out to be more than an act of kindness, it turned out to be one hell of a workout. Stacking wood has to be one of the best workouts I've had on my off cardio days. There is something so satisfying about putting the wood in the shed because you can see your progress. It is also perfect because the pieces were heavy and the pace of moving the wood from the pile to the "trolly" and then lifting it into the "portal" to the shed, then lifting from the "portal" to the stack in the shed. When I was younger, this was not a chore I wanted to do... ever. I hated it. I don't really remember why but as I've gotten older I've grown to really enjoy it, especially with my family because they are fun and m...

Random Acts of Kindness

This morning was the first real taste of Fall 2013. It was the first morning that I had to put on something more than just a tshirt. The cool air was invigorating and it did to me, what it always does to me... It made me fall in love, all over again, with everything around me. Mornings like the one I had today transform me. I love being out in the cool air and feeling like I'm the only one awake. This is an amazing thing because it makes me actually want to get up earlier to do my workout. Winter can take it's sweet time coming around because I'm looking forward to my affair with Autumn. The fall puts me in a great mood and I think it makes me kinder. Maybe it's just the good mood but I want to share this feeling with anyone I see. Tomorrow I want to practice as many random acts of kindness I can. I want tomorrow to end better than it was set in motion. I want to bring smiles to faces and spread this crisp, Fall cheer. I encourage you to do the same. If you need a l...

Put a little Funny in your workout Part 2

I like to put funny into everything that I do actually. I'm going to be the inventor of the laugh crunches.. I'll work on that. At the end, I also included my chili recipe and my meat loaf recipe because I do, in fact, take requests.... Really... My "running" is hysterical. I'm convinced that the old couple down the street having their morning coffee on the porch every morning just to have a good laugh when I "run" by in the morning. Wait... I'm NOT Hillary Swank in million dollar baby?! PSHhh. I think the Shark I kickboxed would beg to differ... When you peel back all those layers donkey, you get Shrek with an even bigger attitude problem... Grace is 20lbs at least and Cassie is about 10lbs I'd say... I think we are going to try this tomorrow... Here kitty, kitty, kitty.... Someday I'll get to the point where I will still be 4 miles from home while out for a run but my mission has always been to get back home because ...

You are NOT Defined by a Number

I saw a commercial yesterday that struck me as pure awesome . As a girl that has had "Trouble with the Curvy" my whole life, jeans shopping has pretty much always been a nightmare. I have rarely tried on a pair of jeans and felt like they were made with my curves in mind. The only exception in recent history are the American Eagle jeans that I found at Label Shopper for $20. Score and Score. But that is the exception, not the rule. The non-score of this sweet jeans find is that they are size 18. It hurt a little inside to try on a size 18 that fit me like a glove. Further more I have never once found a size 18 in an actual American Eagle store (they probably have them online but they won't be $20 so I just don't want to know for sure). That feels to me like American Eagle is a little like Abercrombie and they don't want "chubby" gals wearing their brand and giving people the wrong impression about their brand. In the dressing room at Label Shopper w...

Muffins that Don't Hate You

I had one of the best workouts of all time on Thursday. I had a crazy meeting at work that through me for a loop. I didn't get a morning workout in so I did it after I'd processed the craziness from my meeting. Every step felt like a mile and I felt like I could run a million of them. The weather was beautiful and I stopped in my favorite spot and was bathed in setting sunlight over the river and it made me appreciate everything. The weekend was equally amazing for my soul even if I didn't get a workout in. I had a few days at home where the weather was cool enough to bake! I made a Pina Colada cake and Peanut Butter and Banana muffins. I am pretty proud of both as they are sugar-free and don't use oil. I also made a chili with ground turkey that was packed with veggies and lots of good stuff and more roasted vegetables with chicken. I think the roasted veggies thing is my new favorite weeknight meal because it is so easy, can be done ahead of time, and it's so ...