On Like Donkey Kong...

It will be two years in June since I began to use this blog as a tool to getting to my weight loss goal. The first year I kicked ass and lost 40lbs. In the second year I haven't lost any weight cumulatively but I did keep that first 40lbs off which I think I should be just as proud of as the loss itself. This, to me, is proof that I've made some big changes in my life that lead me to be healthier and happier.

That being said, I'm simply not done yet. I have about 25 more pounds to go and something I've learned over the past year is that this blog really is the best aid that I have in actually losing weight. I think the changes I've made have allowed me to keep the weight off without having to be hyper vigilant.  In order to lose the rest of the weight I need to be accountable and pay pretty close attention to what goes in and what I burn off. This blog is the best way I have to do that.

I've added a few more tools to my arsenal including a Fitbit, a dog, and a healthy appetite for long walks. While I'm confident I can do this I do have some worries. The biggest worry is that I'm going to plateau if I keep to just walking and don't shake things up a bit. I've been thinking about initiating a weight training regime and of course Zumba.

I can't really believe two years have gone by since I began to make these changes. So much has happened since then including a drastic change in employment and lifestyle now that Brutus has joined our family. My goals and outlook on life are pretty different too and I finally feel like I'm leading a life that I want to live, not that I should live. I am looking forward to hitting 150lbs and seeing what I look like then.

I also feel like I'm ready to get married... This is a pretty big deal for me because I never wanted to rush into a marriage just to have a wedding but I have found a man that I love and that I've started to build a life with and I finally feel like it wouldn't be a mistake. I don't have much control over it happening because I want the decision to be his but I can confidently say that if asked I could say yes without any hesitation.

In short, I feel like a new woman but I'm not done getting newer yet. In two more years I hope I look back at this entry and recognize that the first of May was when I finally kicked this thing into high gear. I want to write at least twice per week. I have to be realistic about the time I have to do this and adjust for that but this must be a part of my plan if I'm going to get the rest of this weight off. I also need to make good food choices and exercise at least 5 times per week. I'm ready. Let's do this....

<3 Katie
Feeling optimistic


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