International No Diet Day

I have exactly 34 days until I reach my one year anniversary of posting to Trouble with the Curvy. Today, however, is International No Diet Day and upon first hearing about this "holiday" I was a bit peeved. I mean, I really don't need anything else to give me a "good" excuse to eat french fries. Dairy Queen's Miracle Treat Day already is booked in my calendar so I certainly don't need another day in the year that is designated a junk food day...

In researching how this came to be I discovered that I am not only an advocate for it's goals but the founder's philosophy rang true to my own in so many ways. Wikipedia describes it this way:
International No Diet Day (INDD) is an annual celebration of body acceptance, including fat acceptance and body shape diversity. This day is also dedicated to promoting a healthy life style with a focus on health at any size and in raising awareness of the potential dangers of dieting and the unlikelihood of success.

How many times have I said that this needs to be a lifestyle? Doesn't the word "dieting" just seem temporary? If you're dieting doesn't that automatically imply that at certain times you're not dieting? If you're not dieting what are you? Fattening? Chubbing? Perhaps... it is just plain "eating."

People who try to quit smoking have the option to stop smoking and stop surrounding themselves with triggers that make them want to smoke. People who want to quit being fat don't really have the option of cutting food entirely out of their lives. I'm not saying that quitting smoking is easy, I'm just saying that losing weight isn't just something you can remove yourself from. You have to face the demons that create the bad habits you live by.

If you go overboard on focusing on those demons you can easily create new ones. If you've achieved some success but it never feels good enough because you keep looking at a stubborn chub roll, or a dimple, or whatever it is you fixate on, you're going to keep finding that everything you do will never be good enough to appease you. I feel like when people talk about "dieting" they are always trying to achieve something unattainable. At the other end of that spectrum are the people who drink 4 gallons of sweet tea per day and think "dieting doesn't work so why try?" Typically those are your "No Diet" people. What is great about INDD is that is isn't focus purely on the vanity of it all. They aren't saying "Go be fat and love it!" They are saying "Go be you and don't judge yourself or others to harshly."

Losing weight is hard and there is nothing worse than someone spewing all kinds of mean things at you because of your weight. Frankly I think mean people are all that smart so it is unlikely they'll figure out that running their mouths doesn't change a damn thing except deflate someones self-esteem.  Tonight I am going to go home and be grateful for the weight I've lost in almost a year and then I'm going to celebrate no diet day but telling myself how gorgeous I am and how a number does not define me. When being healthy is a lifestyle there is no reason to "diet" any day.

<3 Katie
Day 326
Be You Tiful....


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