3 Easy Steps to Improving Willpower

I really wish I could say that I did cave last night. I wish I could say that I went home and Ben had a delicious healthy meal ready that made me forget about my chicken burger and FF obsession. Is that what happened? No. Is that Ben's fault? No. I'm a big girl and I make my own decisions regardless of how bad they are.

I talked last week about how quitting smoking was hard but you can avoid it and how weight loss is hard because you can't avoid it. I see now this was kind of a crock of s@#. When you have an addictive personality your brain processes impulses differently than those that are not predisposed to addiction. Am I saying here I'm a food addict? No. I'm saying that it is ALL about willpower.

Last night I had none. My blood sugar was low. I didn't plan adequately and I gave in to a bad decision. Tonight I was researching tips to improve willpower and one of the articles recommended meditation. Really? Meditation? Where I sit and do nothing but clear my mind and focus on my chi? Do you really think if I had the time to sit and meditate that I'd choose to do that rather than cook a healthy alternative to my chicken burger craving? Not helpful.

The rest of the advice was to plan better, make sure you're eating lots of protein, get more sleep and manage stress better. These are all things I'm trying to do and when I don't do them I end up in the valley of the chicken burger. I really need a tip for when I am in the moment of crisis. I guess if a tip like that existed I probably would have found it by now.

I'm sorry if the title of this blog misled you in any way. There isn't a character in the computer alphabet that convey sarcasm but I simply don't believe there are any easy steps to improving willpower. That is the mind game of losing weight isn't it? Willpower is the one thing that can make you or break you. I constantly talk myself in and out of things and not having the discipline to tell myself no = no willpower. How to you learn to tell yourself no? When I say no to myself it is like I am punishing myself and that doesn't feel like self love. This conundrum is the exact reason I am not a parent. If I can't discipline myself I feel like trying to discipline a child would be a disaster.

In the grand scheme of things eating the chicken burger punishes me too because it negates all the hard work I did do this week like exercising every day. Even if it doesn't make me gain, it is going to make it so that I just stay at the weight I'm at and while that isn't a bad thing it certainly isn't doing anything to move the needle in the direction I claim I want it to go. It comes down to wanting to reach my goal more than I want the chicken burger. In the moment I'd always rather have the chicken burger and exactly 30 seconds after it is gone I want to reach my goal. Basically, I'm an average person facing the classic challenge to losing weight.

Today was all granola and salad. I guess that counts for something...

Day 335
Feeling like a dummy


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