A Picture is Worth....
I fancy myself as somewhat of a photographer. I love being behind a lens and shooting. I love looking at the pictures but I really suck at sharing them. Honestly it is because I'm a little lazy. The fun part for me is taking them and when that's over I'm more focused on what I can photograph next instead of doing anything at all with the ones I've just taken. I want to be better about that so when we got home from our DC extravaganza I took some time to go through and print some of my favorite shots out. In the process I remembered I really liked some of the shots from my trip to Texas last October so I went through those too and came across this one. It was taken on the "compound" at the Wizard Academy in Austin. The big yellow thing next to me is t he hot air balloon from "Lost" where they find Henry Gale who we later find out is Benjamin Linus. The guy next to me is Roy Williams who runs the Academy. I couldn't believe how I look in thi...