7 Ways Tom Turkey Aint Keeping Me Down
Admittedly, I am cheating a little bit tonight. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and since the weekend was kind of a gorge-fest I want to make sure I am responsible tomorrow. The day will have to start with a work out and then I'll have to be conservative about what I eat. I found this great article on Forbes about how to curb weight gain on Thanksgiving. I was going to pull my favorite points but I think the article really speaks for itself. Find the original article here or check it out below. Thanks to Melanie Haiken for saying it as well as I would have myself: Here’s an unpleasant reality check: The traditional American Thanksgiving meal packs an average of 3000 calories. Considering that the recommended daily caloric intake for women ranges from 2000 (over age 25) to 1850 (over age 50) this puts one meal at approximately a third more than a full day’s requirement. And that’s just one meal; most of us at least eat breakfast on Thanksgiving, not to mention t...