
Showing posts from January, 2014

The 80's

Holy busy girl Bat Man! Friday hasn't even begun yet and already I have put in almost 50 hours at work this week. Next week I'll go back to my "normal" schedule but I am feeling pretty damned accomplished this week. Needless to say (while intentions were good) I didn't make it up to Nancy's house (or the gym) to Zumba this week. On Tuesday my day literally consisted of getting up at 5:30a getting to work by 6:30a working till 8:30p, home by 9p, one episode of Dexter, sleep until 5:30a Wednesday then back to work by 6:30a. Sure, I could have worked out for the hour I watched Dexter but I didn't. Frankly I needed to zone out for a bit and mental health is just as important as physical health. It sounds like I am making a whole bunch of excuses huh? Well I'm not! I ate like a champ this week with salads and Odwalla bars, fruit and greek yogurt. I rocked the food bitch this week. I did treat myself to some bad food Tuesday night as I worked through a lon...

Stuck in a Rut with a Plan

Did you ever have those projects where you knew exactly what you needed to do but for, whatever reason, couldn't seem to find the gumption to just do it? That's how I feel about how 2014 has gone so far. I'm closing in on a month into the New Year and I don't have any net pounds to show for it. I know what I need to do I just can't seem to get into my routine because so many things are going on that don't usually happen with regularity. I need to pay more attention to what I eat and I need to do all I can to get in at least 3 workouts per week. So far I'm failing miserably at doing either. The good thing is that I'm not gaining I'm just stagnant. I really want to reach 185lbs. It is not even 10 lbs away and I just can't seem to jump start the losing process again after being lenient over the holidays. My friends are finding things that work for them. Melissa is on a cleanse. I don't know what Lindsey is doing besides Zumba but whatever it...

You'll find what you look for

I feel like it is time for a little positivity because my last two posts have been feisty to say the least. I'm still really disappointed in the terrible Zumba class but I'm recovering. I can't wait for the sun to rise earlier and set later so I can do my walks again. I really miss that every morning. There is nothing like a cool group of people to make you feel like your weight doesn't define you. I work with several girls I really adore. Melissa is fierce and girly and I love it because she reminds me you don't have to be one or the other. Amanda is bubbly and modern and feels like the little sister I never had. Hannah, I'm still getting to know but she is fun, stylish, and has the awesomest dog I've never met. We all have different body and personality types but I feel like we are a unit. Officially we are the Day's Jewelers social media team and occasionally we do photo shoots as the social media team so people can get to know us. Today we had on...


After I broke up with my gym Zumba classes became my go-to workout. I've always found them to be fun, uplifting, and a fantastic workout... Until tonight. Tonight was simply disappointing and I need to let out my frustration because I certainly didn't get to do it at Zumba.  I've talked a lot about the difficulties of sticking with a routine because of weather, work schedules, and all the other things busy people have going on that keep them from working out. For me, I've made adjustments to my life so that working out can be a priority. For the most part I am rewarded for my efforts with a great workout that didn't feel like I just "had to get through it." It really started to become something I enjoyed and looked forward to. This week I took a day off on Monday to spend with Ben and then spent yesterday and today in meetings sitting on my ass. I couldn't wait to get to Zumba and work off some of my energy that had been building up. I even left the ...

I've got your Shred Diet right here Doc!

While I was in the waiting room yesterday "The Doctors" was on the TV. First, isn't that a little ironic? They dispense more advice than my actual doctor and they happened to be talking about a new fad diet called the Shred diet. The guy they were interviewing had been on it for about a year and had lost like 100lbs. One of the things he gave up was drinking 4 GALLONS OF SWEET TEA per day and he attributed this to trying this new diet. Are you f@#$%^ kidding me???? That success had nothing to do with the fad diet! If I drank 4 gallons of sweet tea per day and stopped suddenly I bet I'd drop a ton of weight too. I just can not conceptualize how someone can't figure out that drinking 4 gallons of a sugary drink every single day is contributing to their weight problem without the help of a fad diet. What irritated me most about this story was that this was part of their advice on how to lose weight. As someone who only drinks water or 0 calorie beverages how the he...

Partner in Crime

Last night I talked about how it is time to get serious about this whole not being chubby thing. Weight Watchers online is a tool I've really wanted to use but I haven't been good at updating it at all. I just can't seem to get myself into a routine to do it. I know it works and the tools they have are great I just need to learn a little discipline. My office neighbor shared with me that she is trying it too. She did WW many years ago and she lost 50lbs. She told me about all the things she has cut out (including bread which makes her my hero) and she just isn't seeing the results yet. I told her how I've been at this since June and I'm only down 20lbs. Everyone is different and I think patience is key to making sure you don't get discouraged and fall back into your old ways. I remember thinking when I started this how if I had only stuck with my routines in the past how much of this weight I wouldn't be carrying and need to lose. I look forward to the...

The Egg Roll that wasn't There

January seems to be a great month for success. In January you're all hyped up to make the next year better and have made all kinds of resolutions and the "newness" hasn't worn off the new routines yet. If January had a tagline it would be "it's time to get serious"... well that or f!@#$%^& IT'S COLD! I started some really great habits in 2013, like starting this blog. I've also stopped eating Burger King's crispy chicken heaven... I mean sandwiches and other things of the fried delicious variety. I think that is what I can attribute the 20lbs I've lost to. Christmas kicked my ass because I was doing AMAZING and got down to 186lbs then got cocky and blew it on cookies, gravy, and stuffing.  Curbing the bad food habits has been and will continue to be the biggest challenge for me. I love fried food, cheese, bread and pretty much everything fattening. Even corn beef hash. That stuff is like dog food and I friggin' love it. I'...

Fat Romance

One of my favorite things in the whole world is spending time with my man. He's sweet and handsome and romantic and even after 6 years makes my heart flutter. With everything having been so busy lately I feel it is time we had a candle light dinner and get down with our romantic selves. I have to thank Elizabeth Miller for the idea because she got all dolled up and went out with her hubby for a night of fun and romance. Who doesn't love that? My usual recipe for doing a candle light dinner is some sort of fish, rice, and a fresh veggie. I think this is just the thing for this evening. I didn't really plan it out though so it is 5:30 pm and I still have to go to the store for the fixings.... I like spontaneity in my life. If everything is always planned out there aren't any surprises and sometimes surprises can be just what the doctor ordered. So tonight's blog is short and sweet to give me the time to go cook a delicious healthy meal to share with the one I ...


Happy 2014! The last week has been a blur. I've been working crazy hours and when I do get a break, like New Year's Day, all I want to do is zone out because I'm exhausted. My big plan for the last week was to create a plan so that when I came back to write yesterday I would have something profound to share. As you could probably tell, that didn't happen because I didn't post anything at all last night, let alone something profound. I'm giggling a little at how cute I was in thinking I would have the time and/or ambition to actually plan some things out. I would LOVE to have a whole day that I could dedicate to my fitness goals. I would cook and freeze some meals, create a couple of workouts that I can do at home, put a new playlist together for workouts, and research some fun topics I can share. The fact is that I just simply don't have a day that I can dedicate to it. I have so much going on that when I do have "free" time I want to enjoy it an...